Harvest Festival
Saturday, November 4 at 5:00pm
The PNCS Annual Harvest Festival is coming up on Saturday, November 4. We are all excited to have a delicious potluck dinner and square dance the night away! We will be serving roast chicken and the students will be making homemade applesauce, bread & butter, and pumpkin & apple pies. It is always a special time of year when the students get to harvest the PNCS veggie garden and cook up the vegetables with Mrs. Uber. Seeing the big smiles on the children’s faces as they pull out a big carrot or potato from the ground is priceless! We will be celebrating all the bounty and fall beauty that God’s creation has blessed us with. We love to come together and share with parents the student artworks as well as enjoy some entertainment by the kids. They have been practicing some songs to sing for you.