The school provides students with many supplies with money from the comprehensive fee. In addition, the following are items that we request you purchase and bring on your first day of school.
- A pair of hard-soled indoor shoes (to be used indoors only & to be left at school. No flip-flops)
Lunch box and reusable water bottle
Book bag/backpack big enough to fit 9×12 folders, lunch box, etc.
A change of clothes, including underclothes, just in case
A blanket (and stuffy, if appropriate) TO BE LEFT AT SCHOOL for those times we just need to curl up and rest for a bit in the cozy corner.
The following supplies will be for the classroom to share, please do not write names on them:
2 bottles of white Elmer’s glue
1 – 4 pack of glue sticks
1 package of crayola markers
1 3-pack of pink erasers
1 ream of white multipurpose copy paper (8 ½ x 11)
1 package of colored copy paper
- Lunch box and reusable water bottle
- Book bag/backpack big enough to fit folders, lunch box, etc.
- The following supplies will be for the classroom to share, please do not write names on them:
- 2 bottles of white Elmer’s glue
- 1 – 4 pack of glue sticks
- 1 package of crayola markers
- 1 package of no. 2 pencils
- 1 3-pack of pink erasers
- 1 ream of white multipurpose copy paper (8 ½ x 11)
- 1 package of colored paper (construction or copy paper)
- A change of clothes just in case
- Trapper keeper
- Lunch box and reusable water bottle
- Book bag/backpack big enough to fit 10”x 12”
- 1 package of crayola markers
- 1 package dry erase markers
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 package of no. 2 pencils
- 2 packages of index cards
- 1 ream of white multipurpose copy paper (8 ½ x 11)
- Trapper keeper
- Lunch box and reusable water bottle
- Book bag/backpack big enough to fit 10”x 12”
- The following supplies will be for the classroom to share, please do not write names on them:
- 1 box of no. 2 pencils
- 1 ream white multipurpose copy paper 8 ½ x11 inches
- 1 ream multicolored card stock 8 ½ x 11 inches. All colors are useful
- 1 Cloth pencil holder zip-closed pocket that clips into a 3 ring binder
- If your child requires a specific kind of pencil (such as a mechanical pencil) they will be responsible for providing that for themselves.
- Refillable Water Bottles are required. Students are responsible for bringing and keeping their water bottle clean. There is a filtered water bottle filling station at school. We save the planet whenever we refrain from using disposable plastic bottles.
- Sneakers with socks are required on P.E. day. Wear them, or bring them to change into.
- Clothing that allows full movement is required. It must be school approved, but in general, neat and clean athletic wear that is not skin tight and that has no wording on it is allowed on PE day: stripes or a small logo are allowed on PE day.
**ALL Grades 1 – 8 will be supplied with a PNCS Phys ed. T-shirt to use for the year.